COSMETOLOGY 1500 Hours The Cosmetology course requires 1500 hours for completion. The Cosmetology program is designed to train the student in the basic manipulative skills, safety judgements, proper work habits, business skills, and desirable attitudes necessary to obtain licensure for competency in job entry-level positions in Cosmetology or other related work fields. ESTHETICIAN 750 Hours The Course requires 750 clock hours for completion. The Esthetician program is designed to train the student in the basic manipulative skills, safety judgements, proper work habits, business skills, and desirable attitudes necessary to obtain licensure for competency in job entry-level positions in Esthetics or related work field. NAIL TECHNICIAN 450 Hours The Nail Technician course requires 450 hours for completion. The Nail Technician program is designed to train the students in basic manipulative skills, safety judgements, proper work habits, business skills, and desirable attitudes necessary to obtain licensure and for competency in job entry-level positions in Nail Technology or a related career field. INSTRUCTORS 750 Hours The Instructors program requires 750 hours for completion. This program is designed to provide the necessary skills to provide the future Instructor the skills and knowledge to be a leader in the field of Cosmetology.